Self-Knowledge is a Dangerous Idea
an interview with Regina Favre, published by Elephant Journal back in 2011
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How students are using the formative process device
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Regina Favre * Concepts and practices are historical devices. I believe that practices and knowledge of the body, as they are currently conceived, have their roots in mid-nineteenth century Europe, and are a byproduct of the industrial society. The transition from craft production to industrial production completely remodeled artistic and cultural traditions, conceptions of […]
Leia Mais »A body in the multitude: from the molecular to the lived
*The word used here in Portuguese, muvuca, an indigenous word meaning the mixture of several grains and seeds with dirt, in order to reforest a devastated area, is also used in common language to mean an unorganized group of people making a mess. ( TODAY’s Bodies’ Formative conditions: a cartography Bodies-Individuals: relative, interdependent, and interconnected, […]
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